king rat & hetareee • An Exercise in Compatibility

Ranging from seven-minute ballads comprised of classic guitar solos, hooks that burrow into your head, and lyrics that bite just as much as they sooth, to three-minute screamo tracks chock-full of chugs, breakdowns, and cascading cries from hell, the new split from king rat & hetareee's split will keep listeners on their toes as they traverse the EP's eclectic songs. Exploring themes of self-worth, love, god, and of course, the moon, this split truly is an exercise in compatibility.



king rat & hetareee • An Exercise in Compatibility

Ranging from seven-minute ballads comprised of classic guitar solos, hooks that burrow into your head, and lyrics that bite just as much as they sooth, to three-minute screamo tracks chock-full of chugs, breakdowns, and cascading cries from hell, the new split from king rat & hetareee's split will keep listeners on their toes as they traverse the EP's eclectic songs. Exploring themes of self-worth, love, god, and of course, the moon, this split truly is an exercise in compatibility.

Drop Therapy • Winter in the Mountains; Summer in the Valley

Winter in the Mountains; Summer in the Valley, is Drop Therapy's most recent soundscape of brutal, industrial, hardcore electronica.Featuring 8 tracks with an 8-minute average run-time, this record is unforgiving in it's persistence, fueling an atmosphere of video-game-like battle music that keeps the listener on the edge of their seat, as they follow the ups and downs of the record. Covering issues like mental-illness, disability, heteronormativity, abuse, hopelessness, capitalism, and conformity, the tense but, at times, strangely inspiring world of Winter; Summer, illustrate the ups and downs of navigating life, its Mountains and Valleys of emotion.

Graver's Lane • Natural Crimson

Don't I know better?
I do.

Graver's Lane presents you three new songs in crimson, jade and indigo. Ten lushly packed minutes of beauty, despair, frustration, and death, line Natural Crimson's tracks, which invite you to meditate on the life around you. Let it make you, ever a Candelabra of Divinity.

Gea • Everyone Is Worried About Me

Eerie, nostalgic, and yearnfully bittersweet, Everyone Is Worried About Me is a record that strikes you at your core, eliciting tears without you even realizing it. Touching on intense themes of grief, loss, aging, and violence, the album both soothes and shakes you, holds and isolates you, transfixing you in a spiral of highs and lows, depression and gaiety. Everyone Is Worried About Me, yes, but that means that everyone cares about me, too.


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